Firearm Storage Resources

Pierce’s Pledge has no political affiliation and provides this map solely as an informational resource for individuals interested in locating storage options.  For additional information and to understand more about the storage offerings of the businesses identified on the map or in the list below, please contact the business directly.  Pierce’s Pledge can make no representation about the businesses identified on the map.  The Federal Firearms License holders on the map are not pledge takers and have no affiliation with Pierce's Pledge. This map was generated using a customer based survey that did not involve any information about Pierce's Pledge.  These FFL locations were only asked yes/no questions about the FFL's storage capacity, willingness and availability. 

** UPDATE** Thanks to California's SB 368, those seeking to voluntarily store their firearms for any reason in CA should find more dealers who are taking firearms for storage now that most will be expected to take firearms for voluntary storage for any reason.  We're looking forward to providing more info for dealers and the public about this new law! ** UPDATE**

The team of Pierce’s Pledge is committed to working on a comprehensive and current list of locations for storage of firearms. This list is changing, and will be updated as we are able to confirm facilities.

If you need assistance with firearm storage immediately in a location not listed below, please feel free to contact us at

If you would like your name to be removed from this map, please email